
What is humidifier?

Humidifier is a household appliance that increases the humidity of a room.

There are three types of humidifiers: ultrasonic type humidifier, pure type humidifier and electric type humidifier, which can effectively regulate air humidity, prevent and cure diseases, nourish skin and protect furniture.

Humidifier in use, if not regularly cleaned, humidifier mold and other microorganisms with the water mist into the air, and then into the human respiratory tract, thus triggering “humidification pneumonia”.

What types of humidifiers are there?

1. Ultrasonic humidifier

An ultrasonic humidifier uses high-frequency vibrations to turn water into tiny particles and negative ions, which helps to evenly humidify the air, freshen it up, promote health, get rid of dry winter heat from heaters, and create a comfy living space.

2. Pure type humidifier

Pure type humidifier clean the air with a curtain of water while increasing humidity. In the process, they filter out bacteria, dust, and particles and then blow clean, moist air into the room. This makes them ideal for homes with children or the elderly, and they can even help prevent winter flu germs.

3. Electrically heated humidifier

This type heats water to produce steam using a heater at 100℃ and then blows it out with a motor. It's one of the simplest ways to add humidity to your environment.

4. Immersion electrode humidifier

Immersion electrode humidifiers use electrodes immersed in water as terminals to generate heat that turns the water into steam. They're easy to install and cost-effective but need regular maintenance like replacing the humidity bucket.

5. Cold fog humidifier

These types of humidifiers use fans to push air through wet absorbent material in order to increase its relative humidity levels.

Humidifier Features

1. No mechanical operation, with water level protection switch, reliable operation.

2. High atomization efficiency features.

3. With water shortage protection and overflow function.

What are the benefits of a humidifier?

1、Improve air humidity. The use of humidifiers can then improve the air-conditioned room or dry indoor environment in winter.

2、Moisturize the skin, beauty. In the hot summer or unusually dry winter, people's skin is easy to lose water, humidifiers can moisturize the skin, relieve nervous tension, eliminate fatigue.

3、Purify the environment. Part of the humidifier in the atomization process, the release of a large number of negative oxygen ions, not only can effectively increase indoor humidity, moisturize dry air, but also make the air fresher.

What are the precautions for using a humidifier?

1、Arthritis, diabetes patients should be careful to use air humidifier. Humid air will aggravate the condition of arthritis, diabetes, so it is generally not recommended that such patients use.

2. Clean the humidifier regularly according to the instructions. If the humidifier itself is unhygienic, germs will float in the air with the water vapor, which will be equally harmful to human health.

3、Can not directly add tap water to the humidifier. Because tap water contains a variety of minerals, will cause damage to the humidifier's evaporator, the water contained in the alkali will also affect its service life.

What are the places where humidifier are applicable?

◼ Bedrooms



Our factory specializes in humidifiers and solar lamps.We have a professional research and development team, design and development of new products, continuous innovation.

We have three production lines specialized in humidifier production, you do not have to worry about our output.We have CE,ROHS and other related certificates.If you are living in a dry environment and want to improve your quality of life, please do not hesitate to come to inquire!

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Time:March 18TH – 20TH, 2025
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